The Float Sanctuary
Float Tank Central Coast

float tank benefits

Relax, refresh and recharge your mind and body at The Float Sanctuary.

Our float tank Central Coast can help alleviate your physical and mental stress.

Enjoy the ultimate relaxation experience at The Float Sanctuary, Long Jetty

The Float Sanctuary believes in a balanced and well rounded lifestyle. Our float tank Central Coast encourages a lifestyle that incorporates exercise, healthy relationships, utilising food as medicine, healthy bodies and minds, both physically and mentally. We provide the space and time to process your thoughts, life activities, stresses and excitements in a stimulus free atmosphere. Make our float tank Central Coast your ‘sanctuary’ where you can relax, refresh and recharge!

The Float Sanctuary

Matthew Page


2/381 The Entrance Rd

Long Jetty 2261

Phone: 0421 820 982

The Float Sanctuary was founded in 2018 by Matthew Page, this is his story:

I first floated around three years ago, when I had trouble sleeping. I used float therapy as a way to get a good ‘rest’. After my first initial 2-hour session I could immediately feel the benefits. I honestly felt like I’d just had a full night’s rest both mentally and physically. This had been the first time in a very long time where both my mind and body felt like they had a rest. I felt relaxed, revitalised and recharged.

Floating itself, was such an interesting experience. I became fascinated with the fundamentals  surrounding float therapy. My first float therapy experience was intoxicating, I’ve never tried anything quite like it. The sensations you feel both physically and mentally is like nothing else.

So I continued to float whenever I could to reap the incredible benefits of float therapy. I found that the benefits did not wane at all, no matter how much time had passed between sessions. This is when I knew that I was onto something life changing, well at least for me.

Having recently started a family, I was looking for a change in career. I wanted to be my own boss enabling us to have more time together as a family with the option of flexible working hours. As there are limited opportunities on the Central Coast for float therapy, and I already had the desire to purchase my own. I thought why not open my own float centre and share in the float experience that has dramatically changed my life in the best way possible!

I am very passionate about The Float Sanctuary and am really looking forward to this journey.

I believe that the Central Coast community will enjoy the benefits as do I and can’t wait to see what good things can come from it.

The water in the pod is salty, warm and only 10 inches deep. When you lie on your back you will float effortlessly, and you cannot sink. In the first 40 minutes you may experience a little itching (which often occurs with meditation), the last 20 min often ends with transition from beta or alpha brainwaves to theta waves. Theta waves are often associated with enhanced creativity and problem solving. The more often you float, the longer the theta period becomes.

It is not uncommon that your neck may feel uncomfortable during your first 1-2 floats. It is being positioned out of the typical forward head posture that many of us spend a lot of time in, especially in the age of computers, texting and electronic devices. We have neck supports you may use while you float that can help your neck feel more comfortable. You will usually feel very relaxed after your float so don’t plan any vigorous activities. 

We suggest floating nude, this removes any chance of clothing putting pressure on your skin and distracting you from relaxing. If you aren’t comfortable floating nude, bring your swimsuit.

There is a built in heater in the float pod, which keeps the water warm and at a consistent temperature  without fluctuations. The room also has heating to keep you comfortable.

Use the restroom right before your float appointment.

You are escorted into a private float room that also contains a shower, shower before you float, washing your skin and hair. We provide the soap and shampoo (we have to be careful what type of oils and chemicals get into the pods). Once you have showered, just climb into the pod. We recommend you use the earplugs we provide to keep salt water out of your ears.

You can close the pod door for darkness or leave it open. You also have the option of turning on dim lights inside the pods.

Lie on your back in the warm water, float and relax.

Once your float is over, shower again to wash the salt off (note how soft your skin will be). If you have long hair, bring your hairbrush.  Once you are dressed, head out with your relaxed body and clear mind and enjoy the continued benefits of your float. 

Don’t shave for at least 3 hours before you float because any nicked skin will sting in the salt water.

Eat a light meal or snack 2-3 hours before your appointment. You don’t want to float on a full stomach, and you also don’t want to be starving.

Make sure you are hydrated before you float and drink water after you float.

You will be provided with shampoo, body soap and towels. If you have long hair, bring a brush for after your shower.

If you have the tendency to feel claustrophobic, you can float with the pod door open. You can also turn lights on in the pod if the darkness bothers you.

Generally, even those who feel claustrophobic easily, after a short time, feel that they can bring the pod door closed. With no visual sensations in the room, the pitch blackness can give the feeling of even more space than is actually there.

Yes. Floating during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy can provide relief from loaded and stressed joints and muscles.

Talk with your physician if you have any concerns. Learn more about the benefits of floating when pregnant.

Maybe, maybe not. During your first float, it may be difficult to relax initially. It is a new experience, very different from anything you have experienced before. You may have a hard time quieting your thoughts and relaxing your body. Try to focus on your breathing and just letting go. 

Practice makes perfect. The more your float, the more benefits you gain, and the quicker you get into the theta brain wave pattern (super learning, creative waves).

You may also feel your neck is uncomfortable because many of us are so used to having our heads in the forward head posture which stresses the spine (especially folks who work on computers). There is a neck support you can use while you float that may help your neck get more comfortable. 

You may also feel really tired and occasionally mild brief nausea has been reported. You have just performed a detox on your body so you may experience many of the things associated with detoxification. Drink water!

You may, research has shown if you deprive your senses for long periods, hallucinations may occur. However, it usually takes much longer sensory deprivation experiences to elicit the arrival of mermaids and such.

This is a solo experience. The pod is not big enough for two people. You also don’t want to keep bumping into someone, that won’t allow you to relax. 

BUT, we have two pods, so you and a significant other/friend can book the two pods at the same time.


  • If you are incontinent
  • If you have recently coloured your hair (within the last 7 days)
  • If you have a fake tan or use gradual tanning lotions
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Have an infectious disease
  • Have an open wound (including fresh tattoos)
  • Uncontrolled seizure disorders/epilepsy
  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Diarrhea or gastroenteritis symptoms
  • Extremely low blood pressure
  • Check with your physician if you have:  asthma, allergies to salt, magnesium, severe psoriasis or eczema, psychosis. If you are pregnant and have any concerns about floating, talk to your physician.


Yes! We offer gift cards that you can purchase for your friends, coworkers or family to come and float. Nothing says “pay raise” like a relaxed and happy boss!

BOSSES, you too may want your employees to de-stress and increase their brain capacities for work. You can purchase corporate memberships for your team and they can schedule their floats each month.

Yes, but please use a tampon. It is the same considerations as if you are swimming in a pool.

The water in each float pod is 37.5% salt, an environment that is inherently sterile. After each float, and anytime the pod is not in use, our state of the art purification system purifies the water.  Between each float session, the pod water runs 4 cycles through a 5-micron filter and both Ozone and UV Light technology to purify and disinfect the water. We also regularly check the water to make sure the salt ratio, pH level, H2O2 level and total alkalinity are in the perfect range.

Your float frequency is a personal preference and it depends on your goals.

We recommend floating at least once a month and we offer discounted monthly memberships. We also recommend you try floating at least 3 times as the first 1 – 2 floats are often just getting used to the low sensory environment. Some folks like to float once a week, others every other week. See what works for you!

Yes, since floating can decrease stress, anxiety, sleep problems, mild skin conditions, and increases memory and learning, we allow children to float when accompanied by an adult. We recommend the child be at least 12 years old, and the pod door remain partially open with the parent sitting by the pod to monitor the child at all times. We would require a pre-consultation with staff on a case by case basis, just to make sure everything is safe and will go smoothly.


While your face remains out of water while you float, it’s always possible. Each cabin has a spray bottle with fresh water, just in case.

Yes! Please send us the audio file a minimum of 24hours in advance, to allow us time to transfer the file to the Float Pod. We recommend, if any, soft & relaxing music or a meditation guide.

Uni Students are welcome and encouraged to listen to lectures or informative audio files while floating as the pod provides the perfect space for learning and absorbing information.

FUN FACT: The NAVY Seals have been known to use float pods to enhance the foreign language learning capabilities of their new recruits. Does it work? Come try it out with us here at the Float Sanctuary.

People safely fall asleep while floating all the time. The body’s capacity for buoyancy coupled with the high salt concentration makes drowning virtually impossible.

We recommend the child to be at least 12 years old and potty trained. The pod door should remain open with the parent sitting by the pod to monitor the child at all times. We require a pre-consultation with the accompanying adult before booking. This is done on a case by case basis, just to make sure everything is safe and will go smoothly.

There is no real upper age limit to floating. As long as you can safely get in and out of the tank (you can have a helper in the room for this), and have no disqualifying medical conditions.

You can also choose to do a 30 minute float instead of 60 minute.

Terms and Conditions of floating at The Float Sanctuary

We recommend the following individuals refrain from floating if they are:

    • under medical care for problems such as heart condition/disease, wear a pacemaker, diabetes, blood pressure, circular problems, or obesity, (weight limit 160kg) Suffer from uncontrolled seizures or epilepsy, have kidney/legionnaires disease. Suffer from incontinence, nausea, or psychotic attacks.
    • Some medications can induce drowsiness. Never use the pod when taking anticoagulants, vasoconstrictors, vasodilator, stimulants, hypnotics, or tranquilizers. If you are not familiar with the medication you are taking, check with your doctor, prior to using the pod.
    • If you are medicated in any way that may be affected by immersion in magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts) do not use the pod.
    • We suggest that you do not shave 24hr prior to floating.
    • If you have any medical condition that may affect you whilst floating, or have been medically advised not to float.
    • If you have communicable or infectious disease, skin, ear or genital infections, cuts, open sores, or wounds.
    • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    • Currently menstruating.
    • Have applied artificial tanner within 7 days of your appointment.
    • Have coloured your hair in the last 7 days.
    • Suffered from diarrhea in the last 14 days.

    Correct swim wear is to be worn in the float pod, or most people choose to wear nothing at all to enhance the experience of detachment and relaxation. Either is fine.

    You must be able to climb in and out of the pod unaided.

    • All clients must use the shower with the soaps that are in the float room before floating to remove any body oils and keep the pod as clean as it possibly can be.
    • In case of emergency (FIRE) staff must open the float room door and if needed also open the pod door to warn off any emergency. Dressing gowns are provided for a quick exit of the building. Please read the fire procedure displayed at the float center.
    • We recommend using the restroom before and after the float session.
    • Phones must not be used inside the pod. If you wish to play your own music, please send the audio file via email to a minimum of 48hrs prior to your appointment.
    • use caution in the wet room, especially when entering and exiting the pod as surfaces can be slippery.
    • Never dive or jump into the pod.
    • Never interfere with the controls of the pod.
    • The intercom is to be used if you require assistance.
    • If cleaning is required due to negligence or abuse, you will be required to pay for the cleaning and/or other repairs.
    • The pod is treated with chemicals, as a normal swimming pool would be. Therefore if you are allergic to chlorine, you should not use the pod. The owners reserve the right to test the water at any time and address any safety issues with the water quality.
    • We accept no responsibility for any illness you might experience following the use of this pod. Including the highly unlikely event of death or drowning whilst using the pod.
    • Any direct damage caused to this pod by anyone should be reported to the owners immediately.

Epsom salt is the common name a combination of mainly Magnesium Sulfate with small traces of some other minerals. A compound that has been used long time by humans, with a wide range of health benefits. These include reducing inflammation, soothing muscle aches, decreasing lactic acid levels, and especially treating skin.

Please inform us here at The Float Sanctuary of all health conditions. If you have a heart condition or wear a pacemaker, suffer from Kidney Disease, Asthma, allergies (particularly to magnesium), or very low blood pressure – we recommend that you seek approval from a medical practitioner before floating. If you suffer from epilepsy or schizophrenia, we’re sorry but you cannot float as it is too risky. If you happen to have an ear infection you should wait until it is cleared up and then make sure you use the earplugs provided.

If your health condition changes at any point you should let us know.

Online gift card redeeming features will be up and running soon! In the meantime call or email to claim your float. 

If you have received a Physical Gift Card please give us a call on 0421 820 982 or email

At The Float Sanctuary we are very keen to make sure everyone can float, however, safety is very important too. If you have a physical disability please first consult with your doctor. If your doctor gives you the ok then please contact us to discuss. We will explain to you exactly what precautions and measures we need to take to ensure safe and happy floating. We can’t guarantee that every person who comes to The Float Sanctuary will be allowed to float, and we must speak to you beforehand to understand any physical disabilities that you are managing so that we can put the correct safety measures in place. If you cannot make your way into and out of the tank safely then you must bring a carer to help.

Most of our sessions are 1 or two hours, however it has been shown that the longer you float for and the more regularly you float, the greater the benefits are. Experienced floaters will often book multiple sessions from 2 to 4 hours. If you would like to try an extended float, please contact us via phone or email.

The only ‘side effects’ from floating known, are positive ones. The magnesium-loaded Epsom salts we use in the pods are very good for you. They help to counteract the magnesium deficiency that quite a few of us have due to low magnesium levels in our food and soil. Shadowing this is the benefit of the solution replenishing your skin and soothing your muscles.